Publications + Awards

● 2021: Shah-Nelson, C. & Johnson, H. A. Combining technology with human resources management to strengthen virtual teams. [Blog post]. London School of Economics Business Review.

● 2021: Shah-Nelson, C. How Organizations Leverage Collaborative Technologies for Knowledge Management: A Systematic Review. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland Global Campus].

● 2020: Shah-Nelson, C., Blaney, J. R., & Johnson, H. A. How HRM and knowledge sharing technologies foster virtual team productivity for globally dispersed workforces: A systematic review. Journal of Human Resources Management, 13(2/2020), 54-71.

● 2020: Shah-Nelson, C., Mayo, E. A., & Ebuwei, P. Capacity-Building for Sustainability: A Cooperative K-12 Regional Education Service Provider Case Study. International Journal of Technology-Enabled Student Support Services (IJTESSS), 10(1), 40-54.

2018: Online Learning Consortium Effective Practice Award: “#SquadGoalsNetwork – Remixing the Personal Learning Network

● 2017: Co-Author: “Technology-Enhanced Exploratory Installations to Support Constructivist Professional Development.” Handbook of Research on Human Development in the Digital Age. Ed. Valerie Bryan. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2017. Print.

2016: Online Learning Consortium Effective Practice Award: The Technology Test Kitchen.

● 2013: Shah-Nelson, Clark. "Synchronous Tools in Support of Teaching and Learning." Learning Management Systems and Instructional Design: Best Practices in Online Education. Ed. Yefim Kats. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2013. Print.

2010: Sloan-C Effective Practice Award: Online Support + Web 2.0 = Access + Availability.

● 2010: Shah-Nelson, Clark. "Open Synchronicity for Online Class Support." Learning Management System Technologies and Software Solutions for Online Teaching: Tools and Applications. Ed. Yefim Kats. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2010. Print.

● 2007: Nominated for Edublogs Award: "Best Educational Use of Visual/Video"

2006: eCollege Excellence in Online Teaching Award, CiTE Conference, Denver.

● 2006: Top 100 People's Choice Podcasts for Apple iTunes: video podcasts